MAPS has partnered with Sisu to utilize integrated Command data with robust Sisu reporting functionality. This allows a MAPS Productivity Coach to create custom Groups in Sisu, add agents, and get detailed reporting for lead, contact, and transaction data agents enter into Command.
Once you get access to your Market Center's Sisu Admin account, you can start adding agents from the coaching program to the platform. As agents leave the program, you can easily remove them from Sisu.
- As you add agents to Sisu, you have the ability to create Groups and add/remove agents to/from those Groups. In most cases, you will want to create a Group for each PC Coaching team in your Market Center.
To add or remove agents in Sisu:
1. Log in to with your Sisu admin login credentials (the login email address is your Market Center's email address).
2. From the Sisu Dashboard, click Admin, at the top right of the page, and select Users from the drop-down.
If you are viewing Sisu on a smaller screen, or if you are zoomed in more than usual, the Admin drop-down is indicated with a gear icon. |
On this page, you will see a list of all the agents that have already been added to your Market Center's Sisu account.
Add Agents
1. To add new agents, click Add New User, at the top right of the page.
2. Complete the Add User Form. The required fields to focus on are the First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Mobile Phone Number, Role, and Start Date.
- The Email Address field is important. This is going to be the email address where the welcome email will be sent, and the email address they will use to login to Sisu with. It doesn't necessarily need to match the email in any of their KW profiles, but needs to be the primary email address they check on a regular basis.
- In the Role field, ensure you select Agent. The other roles are not being used for this integration.
- The Start Date should be the date the agent is added to the Sisu system.
3. When you are ready, click Add at the bottom of the form.
This will take you back to the User list, with a notification that the agent was added, at the bottom left of the page. The agent will then receive their welcome email, with links to connect Sisu to Command and access the platform.
You now have the ability to add this agent to any Groups you have created for your Market Center, in Sisu.
If the agent does not receive the welcome email or has password issues, you have the ability to resend the welcome email, send a password reset email, or to directly change the password for that agent. |
Remove Agents
1. When an agent is leaving the coaching program, you can remove them from Sisu. Find the agent on the list, click the down arrow next to the edit button, and select Inactivate.
2. A confirmation will appear, click Inactivate User.
This will remove the agent from the Sisu platform, but the agent will also need to cancel the Sisu integration in the KW Marketplace. If they don't remove the Sisu integration in the KW Marketplace, Command will keep attempting to sync data to Sisu, causing potential data issues. |