For quick answers to your questions on RealTrends: The Thousand, please read through ‘The Thousand's FAQs’:
Please remember:
- Only closed, residential transactions are to be included. Commercial sales and leases/rentals should not be included. So, if your number is different from what you have in your records, that may be the reason. If you have any changes or corrections that need to be made, please contact Keeri Tramm (RealTrends) at
- Please review the emails from RealTrends ahead of launch to confirm the numbers are accurate. Also, please pay close attention to the numbers at launch, so RealTrends can correct them. If you have any changes or corrections that need to be made, please contact Keeri Tramm (RealTrends) at
- If you are requesting corrections after rankings have been published, please note that RealTrends is no longer accepting corrections to the data for the published rankings, as they stopped modifications 14-days after publishing.
If you have any questions on your production levels reflected on mykw reports, please email