When you get a new listing, have an upcoming open house, sell a listing, ect. and want to tell people about it, you might want to create designs for any number of platforms. Each of these might vary, so you would normally have to tediously create each design you want to use, one at a time.
In Command, you have the ability to create an entire suit of print or social listing designs, all in one easy-to-use workflow. Simply take a few minutes to add/edit information in just a few steps and you could have multiple designs created. You can then make any edits needed, save, and/or download the designs.
To use Auto-Create print and social design templates in Command:
1. Log in to https://agent.kw.com with your KW login credentials.
2. Click the Designs icon, , on the left sidebar.
3. At the top right of this screen, click Create Design.
4. On the Create Design page, choose either Social or Print, depending on the type of design you want to create, then click Continue.
5. Open the Auto-Create category and select the collection you want to create a design from.
- The auto-create functionality is only available for templates in this category.
6. If you want to auto-create from all of the templates in this collection, click Auto-Create, at the top right of the page. If you only want to auto-create from a single template, hover over the template and click Auto.
- If you choose to auto-create from all of the templates in the collection, it will create one design for each template, with the information that you add in the following steps.
Auto-Create Workflow
The system is going to walk you through a few tabs that will allow information to populate into the selected template(s). The tabs you see in this workflow depend on the type of placeholders included in the template(s). For instance, if you are creating an open house template, you will see a special Open House tab. Or, if there are placeholders for agent information, which not all templates include, you will see an Agent tab. All of the templates are listing specific, so will include the Listing Search and Home tabs.
1. On the Listing Search tab, use the search to find the listing you want to promote. Click Continue once you have selected the listing from the list of results.
- This search is connected to the MLS feed used on KW.com and Keller Cloud in general. There are search filters you can use for searching the listings address, MLS number, and agent (listing agent or co-listing agent).
2. (Only applies to open house templates) - On the Open House tab, enter the day of the week and date of the open house, in the "When?" field (e.g. Sunday, March 29). Next, enter the time details of the open house in the "Hour?" field (e.g. 11am - 2pm). Click Continue.
- These are essentially text fields that will populate in placeholders in the open house templates. Enter these details in the way you want them displayed in the designs.
- There are character limits for both of these fields:
- When - you can add up to 16 characters.
- Hour - you can add up to 10 characters.
3. On the Home tab, you will see fields for all of the listing specific placeholders in the template(s) you are auto-creating designs for. Listing information will populate from the MLS listing data, where available. Add/edit any of the information for the available fields and select the listing photos you want to populate in the designs, then click Continue.
- Some open house templates have "Home Details" fields. These appear as home detail bullet points, mainly for print flyer designs.
4. (Only applies to templates with agent information placeholders) - On the Agent tab, you will see fields for agent information that will be auto-filled with information from your KW Marketing Profile. Add/edit any of the information, including the agent photo at the bottom of the list. Click Generate Designs when you are ready.
Edit and Download
Once you click to generate the designs, the system will take you to your My Designs library, where you will see your new design(s). Keep in mind that you should edit each design and make sure the auto-populated information is properly sized and looks how you want it.
- All of these templates are listing specific, and have a DBA Logo placeholder. There is no field for this in the Auto-Create workflow, so you will need to add your Market Center's DBA logo in any design created in this way.
When you generate designs using the Auto-Create functionality, the system will create a folder for the created designs, at the top of your print and social My Designs library. The folder will be named after the type of collection you created, and date (e.g. "Open House - 02-02-2023").
1. On each design created with the Auto-Create workflow, click the three dots, , at the bottom right of the design preview, and select Edit.
2. Edit the design and make sure the auto-populated information is properly sized and looks how you want it. Make sure you replace the placeholder DBA logo with your Market Center's. Once you are finished, you can download or save the design for you to use.