When you work and close a transaction, you work with several different types of business entities to finish the deal. You now have the ability to associate the vendors you are working with, in a given Opportunity, to allow you to keep track of the representatives you are working with and their contact information. This allows you to easily be able to reference vendor contact information, but also allows your leadership to know who you are working with, if needed. You also now have the ability to generate Transaction Summaries for Opportunities, and vendor information can be included in those. You can now associate the following types of vendors with an Opportunity:
- Attorney Buyer/Seller
- Escrow Officer
- Home Warranty
- Inspector
- Insurance
- Mortgage
- Notary
- Title
Your Market Center has the opportunity to start building a Market Center database of vendors that all agents in the MC work with. As you associate vendors with an Opportunity, you might select an existing vendor from that database, or you also have the ability to add new vendor representatives and branches to the Opportunity, and submit them to your Market Center to potentially add to the larger database. They will then decide if they want to approve or deny the new submissions, but even if they deny, the vendors you add will stay associated with that particular Opportunity.
To associate transaction vendors with an Opportunity:
1. Log in to https://agent.kw.com with your KW login credentials.
2. Click the Opportunities icon, , on the left sidebar.
3. From the Opportunities Dashboard, click on the Phase (Active, Under Contract, etc.), where your Opportunity is located, then click the Opportunity Name.
- If you are on a team, ensure you select the correct account (at the top of the page, select either your name or your team's name) to find the Opportunity you are looking for.
4. By default, you will land on the Details tab of the Opportunity, scroll down to the Parties to the Transaction section.
Add Vendors
1. In the Parties to the Transaction section, you have the ability to add the vendors you are working with, on this transaction. First, use the corresponding drop-down to select the Vendor Type. There are several categories to select from:
- Attorney Buyer (you can only add one of these)
- Attorney Seller (you can only add one of these)
- Escrow Officer
- Home Warranty
- Inspector
- Insurance
- Mortgage
- Notary
- Title
2. Your Market Center Leadership has potentially been building a database of vendors, in CommandMC. Use the search to find and select the Vendor Representative you are working with. There are 3 criteria the search will scan, based on your search term, to find who you are looking for (if you don't see the representative you are looking for, skip to the next section):
- Representative - search by the name of the person you are working with.
- Company - search by the national brand or company, such as Berkshire Hathaway, Wells Fargo, Allstate, etc. Each company will have at least one branch, in the vendor database, so this would be searching the larger brand name and pulling up representative results.
- Branch - search by the local branch name, of the larger company, such as Berkshire North, Wells Fargo South Lamar, etc. Each company will have at least one branch, in the vendor database, so this would be searching the local branches and pulling up representative results.
Create a New Vendor Contact/Branch
1. If can't find the representative you are looking for using the search, click + Create New, at the bottom of the results list.
2. Select the Vendor Type using the corresponding drop-down, at the top of the form.
3. Enter the Company Name/DBA. As you start typing, you will see matching results appear. Select from the provided list, or type out the full company name and click Add xxxx to the Vendors Database, if you don't see the company appear in the list.
- Think of this as the brand name, at the national level. Yours and other Market Centers will be adding local branch information and connecting them to these larger companies.
4. Enter the Branch Details:
Office/Branch Nickname - enter the Office/Branch Nickname. This is for searchability, so this should be the name people commonly know this branch by.
- If this branch already exists in the Market Center Vendor Database, selecting it will autofill this entire section and link the new representative you are adding with the existing branch.
- Legal Name (Attorney Vendor Types Only) - for Attorney vendor types, enter the Legal Name for this specific branch of the larger company.
- Address - this should be the address of the actual branch, not necessarily the representative you are working with.
- Phone - this should be the phone number of the actual branch, not necessarily the representative you are working with.
5. Enter the Representative Details:
- Representative Name - enter the name of the representative you are working with.
- Phone - enter their phone number.
Phone Type - select a phone type (Office, Cell, Fax, Other).
- If you have more than one phone number for the contact, click + Add Another and repeat.
Email - enter their email address.
- If you have more than one email address for the contact, click + Add Another and repeat.
6. Click Add Vendor.
You will then see a message letting you know your new vendor was added to the Opportunity and is pending approval from your MCA.
- If approved, this representative/branch will be added to the larger MC Vendor Database for other agents to view and select.
- If denied, it will not affect this vendor on your Opportunity, but it will not be added to the larger database.
View Vendor Details and Remove Vendors
Once you have vendors added to your Opportunity, you can click the View icon, , to the right of the vendor, to view the details. If you need to remove a vendor from the list, you will see the Remove Transaction Vendor option, in the details.