If someone who is not in your Command database sends a text message to your KW Twilio number, the follow actions will take place:
1. You will receive a Command and Command App notification, which will show the message, and you will be charged a Twilio credit.
- If you have run out of Twilio credits for the month, you will continue to receive incoming text messages to your Twilio number, but won't be able to send messages until you receive more credits.
2. A new lead will be created in Contacts, with the phone number used as the first name. From here, you can edit the contact on desktop or in the Command App, where you can enter their name and other information.
- If you are on a team, this lead will be created in your personal Command account.
3. The contact timeline will show the message that was received. You can respond from the contact timeline, on desktop, or you can reach out through the Command App.