Welcome to the new paid ads experience! When creating this type of ad, you will be targeting both Facebook & Instagram, and featuring either an image or video. This is a Traffic ad, which means it is not utilizing the Facebook Lead Form to capture leads, but is relying on the destination website or landing page you enter to capture leads.
- Before you can run the ad, you must first connect your Facebook Business Page (with the proper permissions and add a Credit Card on file. Click here to learn more about setting up for success before launching a Facebook & Instagram ad.
Because this is not a Lead Capture ad, but a Traffic ad, there are no lead settings and leads will not pull into Command directly from the ad. The leads will come from your website or landing page.
To create the Facebook & Instagram Traffic ad:
1. Log in to https://agent.kw.com with your KW login credentials.
Teams (Enhanced/Unlimited Only) If you are on a team, have either Enhanced or Unlimited permissions, and want to run the ad in your Team Command Account, click your name, at the top right of the page, and ensure that your team is selected, not your personal account. |
2. Click the Campaigns icon, , on the left sidebar.
3. From the Campaigns Dashboard, click Paid Ad Quick Start, in the Get Started Links section.
4. Select the ad type labeled Facebook & Instagram / Recruit Agents or Branding / Single Image / Uses Your Landing Page Lead Form.
Ad Details
1. In the Facebook Page section, select the connected Facebook Business Page you want to be linked to your ad.
- If you need to use a page that is not already connected, click + Link New Page and follow the workflow to connect the page. This will take you out of the ad, so you will need to go back to the Dashboard, on the left side of the page, and select the ad type again.
2. In the Targeting section, select the location you want to target with the ad, and the targeting radius. There is also an option to Target My Database, which allows you to include leads or contacts, that are already in your database, in the ad targeting.
Custom Location (Required) - Enter one or more custom locations to target, which could be a specific address or location (like a park or landmark), a neighborhood, a postal code, a city, or even an entire state.
- Each location you add will have a separate target radius applied to it, using the size of the radius you select.
- Keep in mind, you can target multiple and/or large areas, but the larger the area(s) you target, the more your ad budget is spread over that larger area. That means you will be spending much less per square mile than you would if you kept the targeting area more pinpointed.
Target My Database (Optional) - turn the Target My Database toggle on, then use the Audience Tags drop-down to search for and select the tags you want included. You can select multiple tags in this way.
- Any lead or contact in your database that has one of the tags you select on their contact record will be potentially targeted with the ad.
- This uses either the Primary Email Address or Primary Phone Number from the contact record in Command, and matches it with the email address the contact has associated with their Facebook account. If there is no matching email address, the targeting will not work for that contact.
When you use the Target My Database option, you must target at least 100 contacts for it to work. If there are less that 100 contacts targeted using the tags you entered, the ad will only use the location targeting and won't target any of the selected contacts. |
3. In the Media Type section, select/upload either an image or video for the ad.
Image - click Select From Media Library, which will open up the custom image selector.
- On the Media Assets tab, you will find images you have uploaded to ads in the past, as well as images from the Designs Applet, in Command. Use the "Corporate" Filter to narrow the list to Command designs.
- Click the Add New Media tab to upload a custom image from your device.
Video - select the Video option, under Media Type, then click Select From Media Library.
- On the Media Assets tab, you will find videos you have uploaded to ads in the past, as well as Neighborhood SmartVideos from the Designs Applet, in Command. Use the "Corporate" Filter to narrow the list to Command videos.
- Click the Add New Media tab to upload a custom video from your device.
4. In the Text section, we need to personalize the Body Text (255 character limit) and Headline (125 character limit).
- Click on the Emoji Icon,
,in the text box, to select an emoji to add to the text.
5. In the Destination URL section, enter or select where you want to send people who click on your ad. This is a Traffic Ad, which means it is not utilizing the Facebook Lead Form to capture leads, but is relying on the destination website or landing page you enter here to capture leads.
- Enter URL - you can enter any web address here, including your KW Agent Site, a listing details page from your website, or any 3rd party page you want to link here.
- Landing Page - use the drop-down to select a landing page you have created within Command.
6. In the Compliance section, you can choose your Market Center's DBA Logo:
- Default - automatically pulls the DBA Logo you have added to your KW Marketing Profile.
- Custom - add a custom logo. If this is your first ad, click Select From Media Library, click the Add New Media tab, select the logo, then click Confirm and Close.
- The next ad you create, the logo will be in the Media Library, ready to select.
7. Click either Save as Draft or Proceed to Last Step, depending on whether you want save for later or want to keep building out the ad.
- If you click to save as draft, you will be able to easily find it later to edit/launch.
- If you have several ads that you have saved as a draft, I would recommend not to save as draft here. Each ad you create gets a very generic Program Name, which you are not able to edit until the next page. If you save multiple ads without editing the Program Name, it might be difficult to know which draft ad is which in the future.
Finalize & Publish
1. In the Duration section, use the Start Date and End Date calendar widgets to select the timeframe of the ad.
- You have the ability to create and publish the ad on the same day, you no longer have to wait until the next day for the ad to start running.
- The ad will need to be approved by Facebook, so it can take anywhere from an hour to 24 hours for the ad to publish.
2. In the Budget section, enter the budget you want to spend on this ad campaign.
- The budget is based on $USD currency.
- You can either type the total amount, or use the budget slider to set the total budget.
- Keep an eye on the Daily Spend, which will change based on the duration of the ad campaign. Also, keep in mind the targeting you selected above. If you are targeting a large area, or multiple locations, your daily spend will be spread over that larger area. That means you will be spending much less per square mile than you would if you kept the targeting area more pinpointed.
3. In the Billing Section, select the credit card you want to use for this ad.
- You have the option of clicking Add Different Card, and adding a brand new card here. This will also add the new card to your Billing Details, for future use.
- If you have a promo code, click the Edit Icon,
, to the right of where it says "Enter Promotional Code," and then you can enter the promo code.
4. At the top right of the page, in the Order Summary section, you have the ability to click the Edit Icon, , and rename the ad. Once you are ready, click either Save as Draft or Purchase Now, depending on whether you want save for later or launch the ad.
- If you click to save as draft, you will be able to easily find it later to edit/launch.
- If you have several ads that you have saved as a draft, I would recommend you customize the Program Name. Each ad you create gets a very generic Program Name. If you save multiple ads without editing the Program Name, it might be difficult to know which draft ad is which in the future.