Please Note: This process is both for the first Pro Coach KW Email account and any additional Pro Coach accounts that are created. A KW Email account must be created by the Market Center for every instance of a Pro Coach account, including the first.
To create a unique Pro Coach KW Email for each of your Market Center's Pro Coach accounts, please follow the instructions in Create Your Gmail Account:
- Login to using the Pro Coach account credentials (username and password used to access the Pro Coach Command account)
- Navigate to the KW Email selector following the instructions in the article above
- Select "I'd like to choose a different email address" at the bottom of the screen
- Enter your Pro Coach email as
The email will go through a brief approval process, so it may not be immediately available.
If your market center has more than one Pro Coach profile in White Pages, you will repeat these steps to establish a unique email attached to each Pro Coach account. To find your market center's Pro Coach profiles in White Pages, follow the instructions in Password Recovery for Productivity Coach Team Account.