What is Wreaths Across America Day?
“Remember fallen U.S. veterans; honor those who serve, and teach your children the value of freedom.”
Wreaths Across America honors and remembers our fallen heroes. Placing wreaths on the graves of veterans during the holiday season symbolizes our gratitude and respect for their sacrifices.
Visit https://www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/ to learn more.
The Importance of Wreaths Across America Day
Remembers those who died for our freedom
Placing wreaths on the graves of fallen military members is a gift of remembrance. On Wreaths Across America (WAA) Day, there’s an annual wreath-laying at Arlington National Cemetery — where friends and family can pay a special tribute to the lives of the people who are buried there. Plus, there’s a Remembrance Tree program affiliated with WAA's Museum in Harrington, Maine. Gold Star families come together for fellowship — as well as to harvest balsam tips that are later turned into wreaths.
Honors those who currently serve
National Wreaths Across America Day picks an annual theme that inspires various activities. This year’s theme is “Be Their Witness” — reminding us of the importance of telling the stories of those who have died. The theme is based on the inspirational story of Michael Strobl, a Marine who served in the Iraq War. When one of his comrades fell to enemy fire, Lt. Colonel Strobl demonstrated amazing loyalty by escorting the body back to the Marine's hometown in Wyoming after the war.
Teaches our youth the value of freedom
Wreaths Across America Day reminds children that freedom is precious. It's also important to pay homage to those who died protecting this country. The program offers learning tools and interactive media projects, providing opportunities for schools and youth groups to participate in a wide variety of informational and patriotic activities.
Volunteer Information
KW Military Sponsorship Group Page
The following link will take you to the KW Military sponsorship group page. Here, you can donate to sponsor a wreath for a fallen soldier:
- Donate and sponsor a wreath HERE.
Arlington National Cemetery will not require registration of each volunteer for National Wreaths Across America Day.
If you plan to join your KW Military leaders at Arlington National Cemetery to participate in the events, please fill out the form HERE
Wreath Placement Date and Time
Wreaths Across America Day is held on the second or third Saturday of December. For the current year's date and time, please CLICK HERE.
Ceremony Location
Arlington National Cemetery
Memorial Dr.
Fort Myer, VA 22211, United States
Google Maps Link: CLICK HERE
Directions to Cemetery
Cemetery Access Points
- We encourage volunteers to use all four of our entrances to access Arlington National Cemetery on December 16. The main Memorial Avenue entrance, Ord & Weitzel Gate, Service Complex Gate and Old Post Chapel Gates will all open to the public at 8 a.m. Old Post Chapel Gate is accessible to Department of Defense ID cardholders only.
- ANC's main entrance is located at the end of Memorial Avenue, just west of Arlington Memorial Bridge and Potomac Park. It is a 5-minute walk from the Arlington Cemetery Metro stop.
- Ord & Weitzel Gate is located on the north side of the cemetery near the U.S. Marine Corps Memorial (Iwo Jima). It is a 15-minute walk from the Rosslyn Metro stop; walk south on N. Meade St., across Arlington Blvd., and through the U.S. Marine Corps Memorial Park.
Parking Instructions
- We encourage volunteers to use Metro transportation. To avoid congestion at the Arlington National Cemetery stop, we recommend exiting via the Rosslyn or Pentagon stations and walking to the cemetery. From these locations, it is a short 15-minute walk to one of the cemetery entrances.
- If exiting at Rosslyn, you must enter the cemetery via the Ord & Weitzel Gate by walking along the North Meade Street sidewalks. If exiting at the Pentagon, you must enter through the cemetery’s Service Complex Gate entrance by walking along North Rotary Road.
- Metro will have shuttles running from the Rosslyn station to the Marine Corps Memorial, and from the Pentagon station to the Service Complex Gate.
- Volunteers traveling to the event by Metro are encouraged to purchase fare ahead of time. The best option to avoid lines is SmarTrip mobile pay.
- Please refer to WMATA for metro service information and route planning.
Driving and Parking
- To ensure a safe and secure environment for our visitors and employees, there will be NO vehicular traffic permitted inside the cemetery for the duration of the event on December 16.
- Limited general public parking will be available at the Pentagon North and South parking lots, as well as the Hayes parking lot in Pentagon City (1100 Hayes Street). Wreaths Across America volunteers and signage will be positioned in the parking lots guiding visitors to walk to the nearest cemetery entrances.
- WAA will provide bus transportation from Pentagon North to drop-off locations east of the Service Complex Gate.
- For those parking in the Pentagon South lot, we recommend walking to the cemetery’s Service Complex entrance for screening and entry to the grounds. For those parking in the Pentagon North lot, we recommend walking to the cemetery’s main entrance on Memorial Avenue by using the Route 27 pedestrian walkway.
ADA Accessibility
- The ANC Welcome Center parking garage will be available for handicapped volunteers only from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. After 7 a.m., drivers will be directed to other parking options. No more vehicles will be allowed to park in the parking garage.
- Those with handicapped plates/placards will need to go to the Pentagon North parking lot, where their pass will be verified. They will then be directed to the ANC Welcome Center parking garage.
- If the ANC parking garage is full, ADA-accessible volunteers should park in either the Pentagon North parking Lot or the Pentagon South parking lot. There will be WAA shuttles from the Pentagon North Parking Lot to the Service Complex Gate entrance area. If you choose to follow this option, please register for the volunteer entry at the Service Complex.
There will be no bus parking available at ANC or Pentagon Parking. Volunteers arriving by bus will need to be dropped off at a predetermined access point and park off-site.
For those volunteers who plan to arrive via a ride share (i.e., Uber, Lyft), the drop-off location is the Hayes lot in Pentagon City (1100 Hayes Street). From this point, volunteers will need to walk to the cemetery’s Service Complex Gate entrance.