This is early beta access content, part of the WinMORE Sunset initiative. Only associates in Market Centers that have been given early access will see the functionality shown below.
1. This process does require agents to create an offer and accept an offer before being able to submit a Commission request. 2. Once you submit a Commission Request for an Opportunity, you will no longer be able to make certain edits:
If you needed to make any of these changes after the Commission Request has been submitted, reach out to your MCA and have them return the request, which allow you to make full edits. 3. When you submit a Commission Request for an Opportunity that is in either the Cultivate or Appointment phase, the system will automatically move it to the first stage of the Active phase. |
When an agent's client has accepted an offer, the agent can then submit a Commission Request for the Opportunity. The Commission Request will include all of the details of the transaction, including general financials, referral fees, deductions, bonuses, agent payment details, and more. If the deal falls through, the agent can still submit a Commission Termination request, start receiving/submitting new offers, and submit a new Commission request when ready.
To submit a Commission Request for an Opportunity:
1. Log into with your Keller Williams login credentials.
2. Click the Opportunities icon, , on the left sidebar.
3. Click on the phase, where your Opportunity is located, then click on the Opportunity Title.
- If this is a team Opportunity, make sure you select the team pipeline and find the team Opportunity to create the offer for.
4. Click the Offers & Commissions tab, at the top of the Details page.
5. If you have already accepted the offer, you will load right into the Commission Request. If you land on the Offers screen, click Manage Commission.
General Information
1. The Commissions page will auto-fill with the data you entered into the accepted offer. In the General Information section, you can make any last minute, high-level adjustments by clicking Edit General Information.
2. A window will appear where you can edit the Sales Price, Total Units, Contract Date, and Closed Date. Click Save Changes once you're done.
- You will see the agents that are currently added to the Commission Request here, and can click to update the agent payment details. We'll cover this later in the article, as there is a dedicated section to agent payments further down the Commission Request.
Commission Information
In the Commission Information section, this is where you can edit high-level commission rate/amount, add co-broker information and payment, add outside referrals, concessions, and bonuses:
Add a Co-Broker (Listing Opportunities Only)
1. Click Add Co-Broker, at the top of the section.
2. At the top of the form, enter the Commission Percentage. This will populate the Commission Amount, though you can enter the dollar amount instead of the percentage. Either way, the other field will reflect the changes you make.
3. In the Brokerage Details section, select or enter the details of the co-broker representative you are working with, then click Add Co-Broker Payment.
- If the co-broker representative has already been added to your Market Center's vendor list, when you select the agent, all of the brokerage details that have been previously entered will auto-populate.
- If the co-broker representative has not been entered, manually enter the information in the form.
Once added, you will see a new, Co-Broker Payment section appear below this section where you can either edit or remove the Co-Broker payment details.
Add an Outside Referral
1. Click Add Outside Referral, at the top of the section.
2. Enter the Referral Percentage or Referral Amount. Whichever field you edit, the other field will reflect the change.
3. In the Brokerage Details section, select or enter the details of the outside referral representative you are working with, then click Add Outside Referral.
- If the outside referral representative has already been added to your Market Center's vendor list, when you select the agent, all of the brokerage details that have been previously entered will auto-populate.
- If the outside referral representative has not been previously added to your Market Center's vendor list, manually enter the information in the form.
Once added, a new Outside Referral section will appear where you can either edit or remove the Outside Referral payment details.
Edit Listing Commission Details (Top Level Details)
1. Click Edit Listing Commission, at the top of the section.
2. If you need to add a Concession, click + Add Concession, in the middle of the form. Enter the Total Concession amount, then use the Paid By drop-down to select whether the Agent or Team will pay out the concession.
- Use the Take Off the Top toggle, if the concession should be taken off the total gross commission.
3. If you need to add a bonus, click + Add Bonus, in the middle of the form. Enter the Total Bonus amount, then use the Split with Market Center toggle to determine how that should be paid out.
4. Click Save.
You might see some alerts, in red, letting you know some things are out of balance. Ignore that, you will distribute this in the Agent Payment Section. |
Agent Payment
1. To complete your agent payment details, click Edit Agent Payment, at the bottom of the page.
If there are other agents you need to distribute Commission or units to, click + Add Another Agent and follow the flow below for each agent added. |
2. At the top of the form, there are a few fields to edit and distribute values to:
- Agent Name - the primary agent will autofill, but when adding additional agents you can select any agent in the Market Center to add to the Commission.
Agent (Units/Square Footage/Acreage) - this will be labeled differently, depending on the property type. The total amount needs to be distributed between all agents added, you can edit this field to ensure each agent gets credit for the correct amount. Below this field, you will see how much is left to distribute.
- Residential will use Units, Land will use Total Acreage, and Commercial will use Square Footage.
- Concession - if you added a concession, the total amount needs to be distributed between all agents added. You can edit this field to designate who will pay which amount of the concession. Below this field, you will see how much is left to distribute.
- Bonus - if you added a concession, the total amount needs to be distributed between all agents added. You can edit this field to designate who will receive which amount of the bonus. Below this field, you will see how much is left to distribute.
3. Next, you will see your Agent Gross Commission amount. In the Agent Commission Split field, if you need to distribute commission to another agent, select the percentage (or you can enter the flat amount in the Gross Commission field) you want for this agent, then you can distribute to another agent.
4. Below that, you'll see any Outside Referrals you have added. If you added a concession, the total amount needs to be distributed between all agents added. Also, if you need to add an Inside Referral, the bottom of the form has a link to add that.
5. Toward the bottom of the form, you'll see recurring deductions you have set up that you can edit or delete (if you can't, talk to your MCA about why). You'll also see space for BOLD Scholarship donations (non-tax deductible), KW Cares (tax deductible) and KW Next Gen (formerly KW Kids Can - tax deductible) that you can donate to. If there are any other deductions, click + Add Deduction, search for and select the deduction and then enter the amount (Numeric or percentage).
Summary, Notes and Submit
1. Finally, on the right side of the page, you'll see all of the details of the Commission Request. This will show you if anything is out of balance or needs to be corrected. Also, you have the ability to add, edit, or remove any notes you want to leave for your Market Center leadership. Click Submit when you are ready.
If you submit a Commission Request and haven't set up an automatic Philanthropic Donation to either KW Cares or KW Next Gen (formerly KW Kids Can), you will see a popup reminding you about these 501(c)(3) charities. The modal will auto-select a donation of $10 for each charity, click either Skip Donation and Submit or you can choose an amount for either/both and click Donate and Submit. |