Agents have the ability to enter/request and manage Recurring Deductions in the KW Profile. These include KWRI philanthropies such as KW Cares, KW Next Gen (formerly KW Kids Can) and BOLD Scholarship, as well as the ability to add/request totally custom Recurring Deductions.
The Recurring Deductions selected will be automatically pre-filled into the Agent Payment section of the Commissions page in Opportunities, where you can edit or remove most deductions on a per-commission basis via the Edit Agent Payment button. This makes it easier than ever to give to life changing organizations, and to make sure to pay out things like local transaction coordinators, making sure your Commission is properly distributed.
To add/request Recurring Deductions for future Commission Requests:
1. Log in to with your KW login credentials.
2. Click Your Name, at the top right of the page, then select My Profile.
3. On the left side of the page, scroll to the My Affiliations section and select the Market Center you want to set recurring deductions for.
4. Scroll to the Deductions section, then click Manage Deductions.
KWRI Philanthropies
The KWRI philanthropies section includes tax-deductible non-profit recurring deductions for KW Cares and KW Next Gen (formerly KW Kids Can), as well as non-tax deductible recurring deductions for BOLD Scholarship. Unlike custom deductions (see the next section), these deductions are applied to Commission Requests in all of the Market Centers you belong to.
1. At the top of the Manage Deductions panel, enter the recurring deduction amounts for KW Cares, KW Kids Can and Bold Scholarship, then click Set Amount, to the right of that specific field. These deductions will auto-populate into each Commission Request you initiate in your Opportunities, where you can you can edit or remove these deductions on a per-Commission basis.
There are two deduction types to choose from for each charity option:
- Numeric - for each Commission Request you initiate, the system will auto-populate this specific currency amount deduction into the Agent Payment section of the Commission.
- Percent - for each Commission Request you initiate, the system will apply this deduction percentage to the Agent Commission amount, after the Associate Royalty and Company Commission is calculated, to determine the total amount of the deduction in the Agent Payment section of the Commission.
There is a minimum of $5 for KW Cares, if you select the Numeric option. If you try to save less than that, the system will give you an error. If you need to totally remove an amount you previously saved, for any deduction, ensure you use the Remove icon, |
2. After you have added a recurring deduction for one of these KWRI philanthropy fields, you can make edits at any time, and then click Update Amount to the right of the field you edit.
- Edits here will apply to any Commission Request going forward. If you have already accepted an offer for an Opportunity, the old amount will have already populated and will need to be edited within that specific Commission Request.
3. After you have added a recurring deduction for one of these KWRI philanthropy fields, you can use the Remove icon, , next to where it says "My Recurring Donation," to totally remove the recurring deduction.
- Removing a recurring deduction will apply to any Commission Request going forward. If you have already accepted an offer for an Opportunity, the old amount will have already populated and will need to be removed/edited within that specific Commission Request.
Other (Custom) Deductions
In addition to the KWRI philanthropies, you have the ability to add existing Recurring Deductions, or to request new ones. These can be for local charities, transaction coordinator fees, or any other Deductions you want to utilize. This can also include Private Deductions which no other agent will be able to see or use. Your Market Center will set up many of the internal Deductions for you, where all you need to do is select the Deduction from the list and set the amount (your leadership can also select an amount for you).
- If you see a Deduction that is not editable, reach out to your Market Center leadership to talk about changes needed.
Select an Existing Recurring Deduction
1. At the top right of the Other Deductions section, click + Add Recurring Deduction.
2. Use the search to find and select the Recurring Deduction. If you find and select the recurring deduction you are looking for (if you can't, skip to the Request a New Recurring Deduction section), enter the recurring deduction amount and click Add Recurring Deduction. This deduction will auto-populate into each Commission Request you initiate in your Opportunities, where you can you can edit or remove it on a per-Commission basis.
There are two deduction types to choose from:
- Numeric - for each Commission Request you initiate, the system will auto-populate this specific currency amount deduction into the Agent Payment section of the Commission.
- Percent - for each Commission Request you initiate, the system will apply this deduction percentage to the Agent Commission amount, after the Associate Royalty and Company Commission is calculated, to determine the total amount of the deduction in the Agent Payment section of the Commission.
By selecting an exiting Recurring Deduction, it will be added to your Recurring Deductions list and will apply to all future Commission Requests.
- If you have already accepted an offer for an Opportunity, the new Recurring Deduction will not have populated within that specific Commission Request, and will need to be manually added.
Request a New Recurring Deduction
If you can't find the Recurring Deduction you are looking for, you have the ability to request a new one. This will involve creating a request, including all of the details needed, and waiting for them to review. If they approve, you will then be able to select the new Recurring Deduction and entering an amount. If they decline, they have the ability to include a reason for not approving.
1. At the top right of the Other Deductions section, click + Add Recurring Deduction.
2. If you don't find the Recurring Deduction you are looking for, click Request New Deduction, at the bottom of the results drop-down.
3. (Required) At the top of the form, enter a Deduction Name.
4. (Only if Applicable) Next, if this is a Private Deduction that should only be visible to you and your leadership, check the corresponding checkbox.
- A good example for this is a private child support deduction. It would only apply to you, and no other agents in the Market Center will see it in the list of selectable deductions when completing a Commission Request.
5. (Optional) Enter a Description of the Deduction.
6. (Only if Applicable) Complete the Tax Identification Number (EIN) and Pay To fields, if that information will be needed.
7. (Only if Applicable) Enter the Address of the payee, if applicable.
8. (Optional) Finally, you have the ability to add a Comment, if there are any notes you want to leave for your Market Center leadership to see as they review the Deduction Request.
9. Click Send Request, at the bottom right of the form.
10. Once the request is sent, your Market Center leadership will receive a notification about the request and will either approve or decline the request. When that happens, you will receive a Command Notification letting you know about the decision. Click View Request, which will take you to the Deduction Requests tab, in your KW Profile.
11. On the Deduction Requests tab, you will see your submitted requests and their statuses:
- Pending - your Market Center leadership hasn't taken action yet.
- Approved - the deduction has been approved, see the next step to take action.
- Declined - the deduction has been declined. They have the opportunity to enter a Decline Reason, which you can see at the bottom of the request.
12. If approved, your leadership might have entered an amount for this Recurring Deduction. Click on the Recurring Deductions tab, at the top of the panel, and check to see if an amount was entered:
- If no amount was entered by your leadership, complete steps 1 & 2 in the section above, to enter a Recurring Deduction amount.
- If your leadership did enter an amount, you have the ability to make edits to how much will be deducted, unless this is a Private Deduction, in which case you will have to reach out and have them make the change.