KW Worldwide has worked hard to translate the system created text, in Command, to many different languages. You can select these Command translations in Command Settings (the system will use your device settings to make the initial selection). We now have a new, Paid Ad Portal specific setting, that will allow you to select from a list of 27 different languages to translate system generated text. This will not translate content in editable fields, such as prefilled ad text.
The system will try to auto-detect your preferred language, based on browser settings, but you can manually select any of the available languages:
1. Log in to with your KW login credentials.
Teams (Enhanced/Unlimited Only) If you are on a team, have either Enhanced or Unlimited permissions, and want to run ads in your Team Command Account, you will need to add a payment method/credit card separate from your personal account. Click your name, at the top right of the page, and ensure that your team is selected, not your personal account. Anyone with these permission levels will be able to see the cards on file within the Billing Details section, delete cards, and use the cards to pay for ads. |
2. Click the Campaigns icon, , on the left sidebar.
3. From the Campaigns Dashboard, click Paid Ad Quick Start, in the Get Started Links section.
4. At the top right of the page, click the Account icon, , and select My Account.
5. Click Localization Preferences to open that section.
6. Click in the Language field and select your preferred language from the drop-down.
7. Once the language is selected, click Save.
Once saved, you should immediately see the translation take affect. The next time you access the Paid Ad Portal, the language setting you just saved will load in automatically.