Once you upgrade to the New KW Agent Site Experience and then create your KW Team Site, you might need to reference the web address of your KW Team Site, or you might even need to make a change to it. If anyone signs up for an account on your team website (or enters their info into one of the many lead forms on your site), they will be captured as a lead within your Team Contact Database. This is a good link to know, and to add to your marketing materials/email signatures.
- Only team members with Enhanced or Unlimited permissions are able to edit the Team Marketing Profile and manage the content of the KW Team Site.
To find and/or edit your KW Team Site subdomain:
1. Log in to https://agent.kw.com with your KW login credentials.
2. Click your name, at the top right of the page, and ensure that your team is selected, not your personal account.
3. Click to access the Websites Applet, , on the left side of the page.
4. Click the Settings tab, at the top of the page.
Update the Subdomain
Using this method, you will enter a new subdomain you want to use for your KW Team Site in the Team Websites Settings section:
1. On the Update Subdomain tab, enter the part of the domain you want to come before ".kw.com," check the box confirming that you want this subdomain, then click Claim Team Subdomain.
As long as that subdomain has not been claimed by another agent or team, the domain will be saved and your team site will immediately start using the new subdomain.
Transfer Subdomain
Using this method, you have the ability to transfer a team member's personal site domain to become your KW Team Site domain. The system will then have you choose a new subdomain for that agent's personal site. This is a great option for Rainmakers who have branded their personal site as a team site.
- It is important that the person whose subdomain you want to transfer is the person logging in to the Team Marketing Profile to do this.
- The team member must have either Enhanced or Unlimited permissions to access the Team Marketing Profile.
1. On the Transfer Subdomain tab, you will see the logged in team member's personal site subdomain populated. Click Start Subdomain Transfer.
2. A pop-up will appear, enter the new subdomain for this agent's personal KW Agent Site, then click Transfer and Claim.
The domain will be transferred, and your team site will immediately start using the new subdomain.
Custom Domains
- If you have a custom domain you can work with your domain provider and configure your domain to forward to your new agent site. For example: www.jessica.com -> jessica.kw.com
- Please note that the "https://" prefix is required for domain forwarding to work accordingly.
- Here are links to these steps for some notable domain providers, if your custom domain provider is not on this list you should be able to easily find the steps for your specific domain provider by going to their direct website.