When your listing is in the KWLS and you are ready to complete your Greensheet, you do not have to go through myTransactions to create the Greensheet and you do not have to manually enter all of the listing data into the Greensheet. You can automatically populate the listing data from the KWLS into the Greensheet by following a few easy steps:
1. Log on to mykw.kw.com.
2. Hover over "Technology" at the top of the page and choose Greensheet from the drop-down.
3. Click Create a Greensheet.
4. Select the appropriate options from the drop-down menus. For this example, we are the listing agent and our listing has been entered into the KWLS.
5. This will take you into the KWLS; use the search to find the listing in question.
6. Click on the MLS number of the listing.
7. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, click on the Greensheet button and you will see the Greensheet load with all of the listing data pre-filled.
*Note: In order for this to work, your listing must have an expiry date that is either today's date or in the future. You will see the button in Green if the expiry date is in the present/future and you will see it in Gray if the expiry date is in the past. If the button is Gray and you click on it, you see a message letting you know that you will not be able to create a Greensheet while the listing is expired.