When a listing is put in expired status in the KWLS then it will no longer syndicate out to publication sites. Listings can expire because the feed from the MLS is no longer pulling into the KWLS or the listing has reached the expiration date that is listed.
To manually re-activate a listing in the KWLS:
1. Log in to mykw.kw.com with your KW login credentials.
2. Hover over Technology, at the top of the page, and choose KWLS from the drop-down.
3.From the KWLS dashboard, uncheck the Listhub Enabled check box.
4. Click All, at the top right of the page.
5. Open the listing by clicking on the MLS number.
6. Click Edit, at the bottom of the screen.
7. Change the Expiry Date to a calendar date 14 days in the future if using Listhub. If you are not using Listhub you can set the expiry date to the appropriate expiration date assigned in the MLS.
8. Click Save, at the bottom of the page.
9. Click Edit again, at the bottom of the screen.
10. Change the Listing Status to be Active.
11. Click Save, at the bottom of the page.
12. Click the 'Dashboard' link at the top of the page to go back to the KWLS dashboard.
13. Recheck the ListHub Enabled checkbox.
Once the listing is in active and accepted status again, it will syndicate out to the publishing sites within 24 hours.