In order to change the listing agent on an active KWLS listing, you will need to have leadership (MCA, TL) roles assigned to your KW White Pages profile. If you have either of these roles, follow the steps below to transfer an active listing in the KWLS to a different agent:
1. Log in to with your KW login credentials.
2. Hover over Technology, at the top of the page, and choose KWLS - MC Approval from the drop-down.
3. Click Find a Listing, at the top of the page, and use the search to find the listing in question.
4. Open that listing and click Return to Agent, at the bottom of the page. This will place the listing in a returned state.
5. On the same page, look at the bottom of the second column, in the "Home Overview" section and find the "Listing Agent" field. Click Change, to the right of the listing agent's name.
6. Search for the agent you want to reassign the listing to and click Select.
7. This listing will now belong to the new agent, but you will need to click Submit for Review, at the bottom of the listing details page for it to be in "Accepted" status again.
Once the listing has been submitted, the changes will be sent in the outgoing feed and you will see the new agent information on the syndication sites the next morning after the change.