Before you can manage your mail via Outlook or another desktop application, you will need to turn on that function in your Gmail account.
1. Log into with your email address and password.
2. Click the gear icon on the right hand side of your screen in your Gmail account and select Settings.
3) On the "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" tab, click Enable IMAP. Be sure to save your changes.
Once you have enabled IMAP in your Gmail settings, you will need to configure your mail client (i.e. Outlook):
1) Open Outlook on your computer.
2) Click the File tab.
3) Select Account Settings.
4) Select the option to create a new account.
5) Next, confirm that your IMAP settings are entered correctly with the following information:
Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server - Requires SSL
Port: 993
Requires SSL:Yes
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - Requires SSL
Port: 465
Requires SSL: Yes
Requires authentication: Yes
Use same settings as incoming mail server
Full Name or Display Name: [your name]
Account Name or User Name: your full email address
Email address: your full email address
Password: your password
Also, if you're having trouble sending mail but you've confirmed that encryption is active for SMTP in your mail client, try to configure your SMTP server on a different port: 587. |