Once you customize your Opportunity pipelines and create your task checklist templates, you are ready to start using the system to track your Opportunities. As you are working, you will want to mark checklist items as complete, set due dates for certain checklist items, and maybe create one-off checklist items that would not apply to your other Opportunities.
To learn how manage your checklists, follow the steps below:
- Add/Edit Due Dates
- Add/Edit Task Assignee (Team Pipelines Only)
- Mark as Complete
- Add/Edit Tasks
- Save Changes
1. Log in to http://agent.kw.com with your Keller Williams login credentials.
2. Click the Opportunities icon, , on the left sidebar.
3. Click the Phase this Opportunity is in to access the Stages.
4. Find the Opportunity, and at the bottom right of the Opportunity Card, click the Checklist Button.
Add/Edit Due Dates
1. When editing the task checklist for a specific Opportunity, you you have the ability to quickly edit the due dates for any of the populated tasks, without having to fully edit the task. Hover over the Due Date field, and you will see several options:
Extend by a number of days - you will only see this option if there are no Smart Due Dates currently set for this task. Select the number of days you want to extend the due date to.
- If there was no due date previously entered, it will use the current date as the date you are extending from.
- If there was a due date set and you are editing, it will use the date entered as the date you are extending from.
- Calendar Date - use the calendar widget to select the actual date you want to make the task due by.
- On Smart Due Date - using this selection, you will select the Opportunity Key Date you want to base this off of. The due date will be on the Opportunity Key Date you enter into the Opportunity.
- Before/After Smart Due Date - using this selection, you will also select the days/weeks/months interval, whether that interval will apply before or after, and select the Opportunity Key Date you want to base this off of.
- No Due Date - using this selection, you will remove any due dates that have been added.
Smart Due Dates - set up your due dates based on a set number of days/weeks/months before or after a specific date you can enter in the Opportunity Details page for a specific Opportunity using either Command on Desktop or the Command App (e.g. 5 days before the Home Inspection date, or 2 weeks after the Closed Date).
2. Also, if you have tasks that are reliant on a Smart Due Date, but the Key Date hasn't been added yet, we have an easy way to add this. Click into the Task Details, and you'll see Add Key Date, next to the Due Date field. This will give you a quick option to select that Key Date, which will then determine the Smart Due Date.
Add/Edit Task Assignee (Team Pipelines Only)
1. For Opportunities in the Team Pipeline, hover over the Assignee field and click Assign, or click on the current assignee(s) to add/remove task assignees. Check/uncheck the box next to any team member to add/remove them as an assignee for that specific task.
- If you assign an Opportunity checklist task to a team member who is not assigned to the Opportunity (or who does not have access to the Opportunity), they will not get access to the Opportunity, but will be able to manage the task in the Tasks Applet.
- You can assign any number of team members to any one task. That task will be shared between the task assignees, though only one team member will need to mark the task as complete.
Mark as Complete
1. To the right of the checklist item, click the Checkmark Icon, , to mark it as complete, or re-click to unmark as complete.
- You can also hide completed checklist items by clicking the Hide Completed Items toggle.
Add/Edit Tasks
When you are editing and customizing your Opportunity stages, you are setting up the checklist templates that will apply to every Opportunity that you add to the system (click here to learn how to customize your Opportunity Pipelines). When you follow the steps below and add to or edit the checklist, these changes will only apply to the Opportunity you are working with and will not affect the checklist template:
1. Click Create Task, at the top right of the checklist pop-up, to add a new one-off checklist item.
2. Enter the details of the new task, then click Create, at the bottom of the modal.
You also have the ability to add one-off checklist items to future Stages. click on the Stage you want to add tasks for, along the top of the modal. Then, you can click Apply Checklist, and this will populate the normal checklist template. Finally, you can click Create Task to create a one-off task, outside the scope of the template.
3. Check or uncheck the Client Updates checkbox, for each item, depending on whether you want it to be included in the Client Update email.
With Client Updates, your clients will be sent a daily email, using Command Email, which will include a report of the Opportunity checklist items that you have completed that day.
- Click here to learn more about Client Updates.
You will see a Client Updates toggle next to each checklist item. If the toggle is selected, when you mark this item as complete, for an Opportunity, it will be included in the Client Update email for that day If nothing is marked as complete, no email will be sent).
4. To edit the Due Date and Assignee for a checklist item, hover over the checklist item:
- The Set Due Date button will appear where you can add a due date for a specific checklist item.
- If you are on in a team Opportunity, the Assign button will appear, where you can select someone from your team to assign the task to. Doing this and setting a due date will put it in the Tasks applet, where the assignee will receive notifications of the task being due.
5. While you are hovering over the checklist item, you can click the Ellipses icon, , on the far right of the screen, and click Edit to fully edit the details of the checklist task.
- Once you click to edit, you can edit the Due Date (includes Smart Due Date and Repeating Task functionality).
Smart Due Dates - set up your due dates based on a set number of days/weeks/months before or after a specific date (or on a specific date) you can enter in the Opportunity Details page for a specific Opportunity (e.g. 5 days before the Home Inspection date, or 2 weeks after the Closed Date). |
Save Changes
1. Once you make the changes you need, click Done, at the bottom right of the modal. these changes to not save in real-time.