As you are working with clients and other agents to get documents and forms signed, you might be sent several forms in one file, which could be too large to attach in Command. Using DocuSign, we can split this file into separate documents for easier organization and to get them into the Opportunity. Follow the steps below to learn how to split a PDF into separate documents:
1. In the Opportunity, access the DocuSign Room that holds the PDF. Click here to learn how to access the DocuSign room for an Opportunity.
2. By default, you will be on the Documents tab, in the DocuSign Room for this Opportunity. Find and click on the document you want to split.
3. Click the Document Actions icon, , at the top of the page, and choose Split from the drop-down.
On the right side of the page, you will see each page in the document as a thumbnail with a page number, and on the left, the list of documents you are creating out of this split PDF.
4. Name the first document you want to create, then select the pages to include in this document. You can either click on the specific pages, on the right, or enter a page range (or multiple page ranges, separated by a comma) next to the document name, on the left.
5. Click Add a Document to create more documents out of this PDF, then repeat step 4.
6. When you have finished creating individual these individual documents, click Save at the top right of the page.
Clicking save will create the documents you designated as separate files, and will keep the original file in your Room's documents list.