Whether you are trying to find your official Market Center DBA name, edit the Market Center display name for the KW Realty app or just trying to find where these names will display, use the article below to learn more:
1. Log in to mykw.kw.com with your KW login credentials.
2. Click Profile, next to your profile picture, at the top left of the page.
3. At the top left of the page, you will see your roles and the Market Center you have that role in. Click the name of the Market Center.
Market Center Names
This will pull up the Market Center White Pages profile. At the very top of the profile, you will see five Market Center name fields:
Market Center Name - this is an internal name. This will only show at the top of Command, Connect, Cloudmore, and mykw.kw.com and is not editable.
Corporate Entity Name - this is your official corporate entity name and will not display anywhere, except in this White Pages profile, unless you choose to show it on your app. You can send a request to your region to change this name.
Doing Business As Name (DBA Name) - this is the MC name that primarily displays to the public. It will appear on KW.com and on your DBA logo. You can send a request to your region to change this name.
KW App Short Display Name - we have limited space at the bottom of the KW Realty App to display the DBA name. This field was added so that you can type out a shorthand version of your MC name for the app. This will be an option on the next name field and you can edit this in White Pages at any time.
Mobile/Website Name - now that you have entered a "KW App Short Display Name," use the drop-down to choose your KW App Short Display name, your Corporate Entity name, or your full DBA name to display on the app, for each agent.