The ListHub Exceptions Report is a report that shows the reasons why listings were not automatically pulled or updated in the KWLS. This report is generated daily. Anyone with leadership roles, in White Pages, will have access to view this report.
In the event that an agent's listing is not pulling into the KWLS, leadership team members can follow the steps below to access the exceptions report:
1. From the myKW home page click the Reports link.
2. On the reports page, hover over the "Reports" tab, pull down to "Web Statistics," and in the "Web Statistics" flyout menu select ListHub Exceptions.
You may want to click the + symbol next to "ListHub Exceptions." This will make the report live in the "Favorites" section of your reports page. Then you can click the Favorites tab and select ListHub Exceptions directly. |
You will see all listings that did not pull into the KWLS automatically and the reason they didn't. Most of these exceptions can be resolved by the agent or leadership team of a Market Center.
Listed below are the descriptions of all possible exceptions seen in the ListHub Exceptions Report and the ways to resolve them:
Listing skipped - no match on associate MLS ID:
This means the MLS ID on file in White Pages for this agent is either incorrect or missing. The MCA will need to log-in and look up these agents in White Pages to correct their MLS IDs. Click here to learn more.
Listing skipped - matching KWLS listing status is Withdrawn, Sold, Under Contract or Temporarily Off Market:
This listing was manually marked as a inactive status or a Greensheet has already been submitted for this listing. Check the status of the listing in KWLS and change it back to "Active."
Listing skipped - associate is not Listhub Enabled:
This associate needs to check the "ListHub Enabled" box on their KWLS dashboard to get the ListHub feed reactivated. Click here to learn more.
Listing skipped - multiple KWLS listing matches found:
This listing was likely manually entered in KWLS multiple times in error. To correct this, you'll need to remove the MLS number and set all but one copy to "Expired."
Listing skipped - zip code is null:
This means the listing syndicated from the MLS without a postal code attached. This can be fixed by editing the listing at the MLS.
Listing skipped - state is null:
This means the listing syndicated from the MLS without a state/province attached. This can be fixed by editing the listing at the MLS.
Listing skipped - city is null:
This means the listing syndicated from the MLS without a city name attached. This can be fixed by editing the listing at the MLS.
Listing skipped - org not found (check MLS_ENTITIES/MLS_LIST HUB_ENTITIES):
This indicates action needed by the KWRI Tech Team. The MC should feel free to ignore this particular error.
Leadership can check the ListHub Exceptions at any time through their myKW account. The more often this report is checked the less issues there will be with listings automatically pulling into the KWLS.
Remember that when you fix any of these issues, listings will take around 24 hours to flow in to the KWLS, and you will continue to see the exception in the report until the new ListHub Exceptions Report is generated on the following morning.