***It is important for agents to keep the ListHub enabled box in their KWLS checked, so the listings can be updated daily and prevent any premature expirations of listings. Keeping this box enabled will also resolve about 90% of any issues.***
Frequently Asked Questions:
1) How do I sign up for the List Hub service?
Registration is on a Market Center level and can be completed at http://www.listhub.net/broker-Keller-Williams.html
2) How do I know if my Market Center is eligible for the List Hub service?
Go to http://www.listhub.net/broker-Keller-Williams.html click on Create an Account, and search for your Market Centers' MLS. If your MLS shows up in the list your Market Center is immediately eligible. If your MLS is not in the list it means that the MLS is not yet set up with List Hub. Click on Request an unsupported MLS to help List Hub get that MLS signed up. List Hub is actively adding MLS's.
3) I'm an agent, how do I find out if my Market Center is registered and I can opt into the service?
Check the dashboard of your KWLS to see if the listhub enabled opt-in box is there in the area that says "Single Point of Entry". If this is not displayed your Market Center has not registered with Listhub.
4) How long will it take for my listing to get from the MLS into the KWLS?
The import process works like this:
1. Agent enters new listing into MLS -->
2. MLS updates available feed (sometimes just 1 or 2 times per day) -->
3. ListHub checks for updates to feed (usually 2 times per day) -->
4. ListHub updates their available feed (about 4 times per day) -->
5. KWLS accepts the daily updates from ListHub (2 times per day).
All together, there may be a delay of 24-48 hours for listings to be imported into the KWLS from the time it was entered into the MLS. This could also affect the listing (in KWLS) for price changes, picture changes etc.
5) How often will my listing information be updated?
New changes to the ListHub feed will be updated into the KWLS each morning. The KWLS currently updates overnight from the mls.
6) What is the function of the Expiry Date with ListHub?
Every night we receive a feed from the MLS (via Listhub) and use the listing's ACTIVE status to tell if we should continue to have our websites display that listing. We do this by creating an expiration date of 14 business days in the future and extend this date out each day until the status of the listing changes to any status other than active at the MLS.
***NOTE: Agents DO NOT need to change these dates, they are not published on the websites.***
As long as the listing is in Active status at the MLS, it will stay in Active status in the KWLS and the listing will appear on the kw.com websites. For more information on the KWLS expiration date click here.
7) Do my listings coming in from the MLS need to go through the approval process?
These listings need to be approved by your Market Center but there is an option for auto-approval that most market centers use. If you see your listings come over, but in 'Submitted' status please let your MCA know that there is a checkbox on the Market Center white pages to opt-out of Market Center approval. This will allow your listings to be automatically approved and save a lot of time in the syndication of your listings, so please encourage your MCA to check this box.
8) What happens to the listings that I already have entered into the KWLS?
The KWLS will first check to see if the Listing MLS number exists in the KWLS. If the listing exists, the data coming in from the MLS will override the data.
9) How do I edit my listing information once I've opted into the Listhub enabled service?
If you are using Listhub to pull your listings directly into the KWLS then the imported information about the listing is coming from the MLS data feed and would need to be changed in the MLS. The exception to this is the description field and the photos. You do have an option to lock those in place in the KWLS so they are not effected by the daily update from the mls .
10) What fields are not imported into the KWLS via Listhub?
When looking at your listing detail, most of the fields in the category 'Additional Details' do not auto-populate from ListHub. Agents can go in and add these additional fields and then ListHub will take the enhanced listings with the additional fields and syndicate everything entered into the KWLS by the agents.
11) Are photos uploaded from the MLS?
Yes! These are updated daily! If you want to stop the import of daily photos, go to the Images tab for the listing in the KWLS and check the box to prevent daily imports of pictures.
12) Can we lock the description field from being imported daily? Can we lock photos from being imported daily?
Yes and Yes. There is a check box for both of these fields. Some MLS's limit agent to 100 characters on a description and 5 photos. If you are in one of these markets, you can add a longer description to the KWLS and you can add up to 30 photos. Just be sure to check the lock box on description and in the image tab. If you do not see these lock boxes, you probably unchecked the main ListHub enabled box for edits. Check it again on the KWLS dashboard when you are through editing (be sure to always keep this checked) and then go back to the images or details tab to lock the photo and description box. Once these lock boxes are checked, ListHub will syndicate the additional description and additional photos the agent has added out to the publishing sites.
13) Are documents, virtual tours, and open house information transferred from the MLS to the KWLS?
Virtual Tours are uploaded to the KWLS in the feed from ListHub. We are not able to input documents or open house data into the KWLS via the List Hub feed. However, you can continue to manually add them to the KWLS and if they already exist in the KWLS they will not be overwritten.
14) How does a Market Center opt out of the service?
The Regional, Operating Principal, Team Leader or MCA can opt out of the Single Point of Entry service by contacting ListHub at http://www.listhub.net/broker-Keller-Williams.html and de-registering.
15) Who is a point of contact at ListHub for billing issues?
Go to http://www.listhub.net/broker-Keller-Williams.html to view, change or edit your account or you can email listhub.support@threewide.com
16) How do I get support?
For any questions not covered in this FAQ., you can contact KWRI Tech support directly via Live Chat Monday-Friday 8am-6pm CST by clicking on the question mark icon in the upper right corner of the Command web page and selecting "Chat with Support", or email at support@kw.com.