ListHub helps to bring in listings from the MLS side into the KWLS to then be syndicated out to various websites. Setting up for a ListHub account can be tricky, and the information below goes through some typical scenarios that could impact an agent’s listing from being syndicated out.
There are some key definitions that we will need to know before reading the information below.
- MAO/Indie - Refers to a Mega Agent Office or independent office.
- ListHub Connector Account - an account needed with ListHub, for each MLS that an Market Center is associated with, that automatically brings in listings from the MLS into the KWLS.
- Primary/Secondary Table - Refers to the KW database information where Office IDs are stored. These office IDs align with the information that ListHub is sending to KWLS for each Market Center, in order for the listings to be connected to the correct agent’s information. Each office ID used for a given MLS will need to be added to that connector account and present on the primary or secondary table.
Listing Path In to the KWLS
The primary (and preferred) method of listing entry into KWLS for roughly 80% of our Market Centers is the ‘KW Connector’ product provided by ListHub. ListHub syndicates listings from each local MLS’s to 300+ syndication portals.
1. The ListHub KW Connector
The ListHub ‘KW Connector’ product automatically sends listings to KWLS, from the MLS. To use this, Market Centers must sign up for the KW Connector, and keep in mind that ListHub is not available in every MLS.
- Click here to learn more about the ListHub Connector account and pricing.
In order for an Market Center’s listings to begin appearing in KWLS via ListHub, they must sign up for a KW Connector. Once this has been done, ListHub will begin sending the listings to Keller Williams within a few days. There are three main checks done on incoming listings to determine which agent and office to assign the listing: Office MLS ID, Agent MLS ID, and ListHub enabled.
2. Office MLS ID
Office MLS ID is the ID that ListHub has assigned to the Market Center for each MLS they are a part of. Each Market Center can have multiple Office IDs, as each MAO or Business Center may have their own connector account. These IDs reside within KW and are on the Primary and Secondary tables for each Market Center. KW Support will be able to add to these tables as requested. This information is typically not given to the office, but can be found on the ListHub Exceptions Report. A Market Center’s MLS ID being present in the database allows the listings for that Market Center to move to the next check, Agent MLS ID.
3. Agent MLS ID
Once KWLS has assigned a listing to a Market Center, it will attempt to locate the agent by checking the Agent MLS ID in the feed against the Agent ID on file in White Pages. An agent can have up to one MLS ID on file per MLS their Market Center is associated with. Typically, adding this ID must be done by the MCA at the agent’s Market Center. Once the listing has passed this check, it can move to the final check, ListHub Enabled.
4. ListHub Enabled
Each agent has the ability to enable or disable the ListHub import for their KWLS. To do this, they can toggle the ‘ListHub enabled’ check-box on their KWLS Dashboard. If checked, their listings will be imported. If unchecked, new listings will not be inserted and updates to existing listings will not be processed.
- Click here to learn more about the ListHub Enabled checkbox, in the KWLS.
ListHub Exceptions Error Messages
It is recommended that each market center check the ListHub Exceptions report daily to find out if there are any errors with any listings coming in to the KWLS.
- Click here to learn how to access the ListHub Exceptions Report.
Any listings with issues would have one of the following error messages:
Listing skipped - no match on associate MLS ID:
This means the MLS ID on file in White Pages for this agent is either incorrect or missing. The MCA will need to log-in and look up these agents in White Pages to correct their MLS IDs*. You can verify you are adding or updating the agent ID for the correct MLS based on the office ID displayed in the center column.
*Please note: The agent MLS ID provided on the Listhub exceptions report must be entered in White Pages exactly as it appears on the report. This ID is specific to the agents' listings pulling through the Listhub feed. It may not match an ID the agent or the office is familiar with, but it is necessary that the White Pages matches that ID from the report exactly in order for the feed to successfully sync to the KWLS.
Listing skipped - matching KWLS listing status is Withdrawn, Sold, Under Contract or Temporarily Off Market:
This listing was manually marked as a inactive status or a Greensheet has already been submitted for this listing. Check the status of the listing in KWLS and change it back to "Active."
Listing skipped - associate is not ListHub Enabled:
This associate needs to check the "ListHub Enabled" box on their KWLS dashboard to get the ListHub feed reactivated. Click here to learn more.
Listing skipped - multiple KWLS listing matches found:
This listing was likely manually entered in KWLS multiple times in error. To correct this, you'll need to remove the MLS number and set all but one copy to "Expired."
Listing skipped - zip code is null:
This means the listing syndicated from the MLS without a postal code attached. This can be fixed by editing the listing at the MLS.
Listing skipped - state is null:
This means the listing syndicated from the MLS without a state/province attached. This can be fixed by editing the listing at the MLS.
Listing skipped - city is null:
This means the listing syndicated from the MLS without a city name attached. This can be fixed by editing the listing at the MLS.
Scenarios and Typical Resolutions
EXISTING MARKET CENTER - Wants a new connector account
1. New ListHub account and KW Connector for each separate MLS.
- Example:
- Spokane Market Center
- Spokane MLS (KW Connection Account)
- Coeur d’Alene MLS (KW Connection Account)
- Spokane Market Center
2. Reach out to ListHub to purchase this account.
MAO/INDIE (list hub refers to these as, “branch offices managed by the same managing broker”) - Wants to join a MC
1. This ListHub Account goes under the Main Office Account.
2. Let ListHub know this is a branch office.
3. ListHub will assign a number that’s related to the market center number.
4. MC needs to request from KW Support to add in the new information to the primary table. KW Support will ask for a listing that should be coming in through this new connection in order to locate the data. It can take up to 72 hours after ListHub updates their information before this can be set up on the KW side.
NEW MARKET CENTER - Needs to be set up
1. Confirm the MLS allows syndication with ListHub.
- If needed, have the MLS vote on ListHub syndication.
2. Once allowed, ListHub has a 30-60 day process in which they, “set up” the MLS.
- No automatic notifications or updates given (you must email/call for update).
3. After MLS set-up: Purchase a, “KW Connection Account.”
4. If Incubating with another Market Center, the Office ID for the new MC may be connected to the incubating office’s information. Once the new office is no longer incubating, a request to the KW Support team will need to be done in order to remove the office ID off the old Market Center’s Primary/Secondary table, and establish the new MC with the office ID from ListHub on it’s own Primary/Secondary table.
NEW AGENTS - Added to the Market Center
1. Add the MLS ID to agent’s white pages account.
2. Ensure the agent’s account is: “ListHub Enabled” in (found in the KWLS section under Single Point of Entry).