The Keller Williams Listing System (KWLS) is the service we use to syndicate listings to ListHub publishing partners. Your Market Center has the ability to create a connection, through ListHub, between your MLS and the KWLS. Your listings will automatically pull into the KWLS, from your MLS, and then syndicate out to the syndication sites.
Because your listings are pulling in automatically (though you do have the ability to manually enter listings), it is important to know how status changes work in the KWLS.
Active Listings and the Expiration Date
When your listing goes live in the MLS, you should see the listing pull into the KWLS within 24 hours (generally you will see it in the KWLS the next morning). The status on these listings will be active, meaning the listing will start syndicating to the publishing sites. For these synced, active listings, you will notice that the expiration date in the KWLS will show as being 14 days from the current date. This expiration date is not the same as what is in the MLS, but is kept 14 days out, updating every morning that the listing is active in the MLS to keep it 14 days from the current date.
Pending Listings
Only active listings are able to sync with the KWLS, so once you change the listing status to Pending in the MLS, that status will not automatically pull over to the KWLS. Once the listing goes pending, the KWLS expiration date will stop automatically updating every morning, and a 14 day count down will begin before the listing will expire. If nothing is done to the listing in the KWLS, the listing status will change to Expired after 14 days and stop syndicating out.
Sold Listings
The only other automatic status change in the KWLS involves the Sold status. While there is no longer an active feed for listings, once they go pending, once you create and submit a Greensheet for the KWLS listing, the KWLS status will automatically change to Sold.