How are neighborhoods determined/established?
All data pertaining to neighborhoods found in Command, and Neighborhood Snapshots is derived from Neighborhoods are established by the first member of that neighborhood to create it on the website, otherwise known as the Founding Member. The Founding Member has the ability to define the neighborhood boundary and choose the neighborhood name.
Can I change a neighborhood boundary in NextDoor?
NextDoor maintains neighborhood boundaries based on consumer feedback. You can submit suggested corrections directly to their team. Follow this link to learn how.
If data is inaccurate or not fully representative of that neighborhood, Nextdoor reserves the right to make corrections to names and boundaries based on feedback from other neighbors, or to adhere to Nextdoor's guidelines on neighborhood names.
What if I cannot find the neighborhood I am looking for in Command?
At the moment, there is no two-way connection between NextDoor and Command. We were able to pull neighborhood data from their site once, but have not been allowed to pull any updated data since. If the neighborhood in question is incorrect on Command or, agent sites, and the KW app, the data cannot be corrected on our end. However, here are some alternatives to using neighborhoods:
- If creating a saved search, agents have the option to use a zip code instead of a neighborhood. Agents also have the option to draw a custom boundary that encompasses the correct neighborhood boundaries.
- If consumers are searching on an agent site, and the agent would like to hide incorrect neighborhoods from their search, agents have the option to disable neighborhood boundaries on both their KW agent site and KW branded app.
- If adding to a Neighborhood Nurture SmartPlan, the best practice is to select nearby neighborhoods if available.
Otherwise, it is recommended to submit feature request ideas to In many cases, great minds think alike and other KW associates have also made the same suggestion. To save time, users can search for their idea and up-vote the request to give it their stamp of approval. Our Product team will review and go from there.