WARNING! You must comply with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and any other federal, state or local laws, including for B2B (business-to-business) calls and texts. Never call or text a number on any Do Not Call list, and do not use an autodialer or artificial voice or prerecorded messages without proper consent. For more information about the TCPA and DNC laws, visit https://www.kwconnect.com/page/industry-resource/dnc. Contact your attorney to ensure your compliance. |
In the team Command account, team SmartPlans are an efficient way for team tasks to be created systematically. In addition to that, team members of any permission level can manually create and manage team tasks within the Tasks applet. However, the permission level of the team member will determine what team tasks they can see and manage:
- Standard - Team members with Standard permissions are able to create and assign tasks to anyone on the team. If a contact is associated with the task, they can assign it to Enhanced and Unlimited permission team members as well as Standard permission team members that were also assigned to that team contact. However, they are only able to see and manage tasks that they have either been assigned or created.
- Enhanced/Unlimited - Team members with Enhanced or Unlimited permissions are also able to create and assign tasks to anyone on the team and associate any team contact with the task as well. They are also able to see and manage all team tasks.
Once a team member has created tasks, or has had tasks that have been generated from team SmartPlans, they will be able to do certain actions to manage these tasks:
- Use the search and filters to find specific tasks
- Complete tasks
- Reschedule tasks
- Reassign tasks to another team member
- Add notes to a contact through a task
- Archive tasks
- Unarchive or Delete Archived Tasks
To view and manage your team tasks:
1. Log in to https://agent.kw.com with your KW login credentials.
2. Click your name, at the top right of the page, and ensure that your team is selected, not your personal account.
3. Click the Tasks icon, , on the left sidebar.
Tasks Search and Filters
1. (Unlimited/Enhanced Permissions Only) - at the top right of the page, team members with Unlimited or Enhanced permissions will see the ability to switch between viewing all team tasks and tasks assigned to them.
2. Use the search to search for task names in the list. This search does not look for associated contacts/Opportunities, only the name of the task.
3. If you are looking for tasks due in a specific timeframe, use the quick filters to find what you are looking for at speed.
4. For more detailed filters, click Filter, next to the search. There are a few filters to choose from, click Apply Filters when ready.
- Due Date - select a due date timeframe.
- Repeating Tasks - choose to show only tasks that are set to repeat.
- Priority Level - select priority levels to view (High, Medium, Low, None).
- Task Type - select task types to view (Call, Text, Other).
- Linked To - choose to show tasks specific to contacts, Opportunities, and/or unlinked tasks.
- Assignee (Unlimited/Enhanced Permissions Only) - team members with filter by who is assigned to the tasks you want to view. This allows you to select
- Created By - filter by who or what created the task (All, Opportunities, SmartPlans, Team Members).
- When you select Team Members, you then have the option to select any number of team members to see what tasks were created by them.
Call and Text Tasks Next to the task name, call tasks are indicated with a phone icon, |
5. Click Clear Filters to revert back to the standard view.
Once you find the task you are looking for, there are a few actions you can take:
Mark as Complete
1. Once you have completed the task, click the checkmark icon, , to the right of the task, to mark as complete.
2. A confirmation pop-up might appear, depending on whether you are marking a regular or call/text task as complete.
- Regular Tasks - no confirmation will appear, the completed task will now appear in the "Completed" section of Tasks.
- Call/Text Tasks - the confirmation will include the form data for adding a phone call/text activity to a contact. Choose whether you want to log the call/text, select the Outcome, enter a Description of the call/text, then click Complete Task.
Reschedule a Task
1. If you need to change the due date of a task, either click the three dots, to the right of the task, then select Reschedule, or select multiple tasks and click Reschedule at the bottom right of the page.
2. Use the date interval, or specific date, option to set a new due date for the task.
- If you select multiple tasks for this purpose, you will have to select a specific date and time.
3. Click Reschedule.
Reassign Tasks to Another Team Member
1. If you need to reassign the task to another team member, either click the three dots, to the right of the task, then select Reassign, or select multiple tasks and click Reassign at the bottom right of the page.
2. Use the drop-down to select the contact(s) you want to assign the task to. You can reassign the task to any of your fellow team members, or you could assign it to multiple (or all).
If you reassigned the task to multiple assignees, you will see that each of them are now associated with the task, and any one of them has the ability to complete the task.
Add Notes to a Contact Through a Task
1. If a contact is associated with a task, you will have the ability to add a note to that contact's Contact Record, through the tasks applet. Click the three dots, to the right of the task, then select Add Note.
2. A pop-up will appear. Enter the Note Title and Description, then click Add Note.
If you go to Contacts and find this specific contact, you will see this note in the Contact Timeline and Notes section, on the right side of the Contact Record.
Archive Tasks
1. If you want to archive a task, click the three dots, to the right of the task, then select Archive.
2. You can also archive tasks in bulk. Check the box next to each task you want to archive. You will then see options appear at the bottom right of the page, click Archive.
Unarchive or Delete Archived Tasks
1. At the top left of the Tasks dashboard, click the Archived tab.
2. Click the three dots, to the right of the task, then select either Unarchive or Delete.
- If you choose to delete, a confirmation will appear. Click Delete.
3. You can also do this in bulk. Check the box next to each task you want to delete or unarchive. You will then see options appear at the bottom right of the page, click either Unarchive or Delete.
- If you choose to delete, a confirmation will appear. Click Delete.