If you are in a rural area or an area with neighborhood boundaries that aren't useful, you have the ability to turn off the neighborhood boundaries for the map search of your KW Agent Site and branded KW App. Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the turning off these boundaries:
Q: What fields are hidden if I turn off neighborhoods?
- Neighborhood button on map
- Neighborhood boundaries on map
- Neighborhood labels on map
- Neighborhood carousel above list view on map
- Neighborhood search suggestions
Keep in mind that turning neighborhoods off will not remove the term "Neighborhood" from the search bar on your agent site/branded app, and it will also not remove the neighborhood snapshot listed in a listing's details page. This is all intended functionality |
Q: I turned off my neighborhoods, why am I still seeing a neighborhood snapshot when I click to view a listing's details from my agent site/branded app?
A: At the moment, this is intended functionality and this snapshot will not be removed from the listing's details page even if neighborhoods have been disabled.
The neighborhood snapshot provides data for the following fields:
- Market Stats
- What Locals Say
- Walkability
Therefore, removing the neighborhood snapshot from a listing's details page, would remove all this other information from the page as well. When developing the feature, we received feedback from the field and ultimately decided that this information can offer value to all agents, regardless of their choice to display or not display neighborhoods on their agent site and branded app.