City boundaries on and the KW app are derived from Google Maps. Google draws these boundaries based on census data. In some cases, an address may have the city and state in question as part of it, but it's actual physical location falls outside of the city boundary as drawn by census data. When this happens the address affected will not show up when performing a search for a specific city on and/or choose the city result from the search suggestions.
Updates to the boundaries cannot be made by KW since all the data is provided by Google. However, there are a few ways to work around this if any listings are appearing outside the boundaries.
- The draw tool on and in the KW Consumer app allows users to create their own search boundaries on the map.
- Instead of selecting a suggestion from the menu when searching on or the KW app, users may hit the “enter” key on their keyboard or users may click on the “Search” button located next to the search box. This will show a wider area near the city searched for and not just the city boundary determined by Google maps.
- Users may also get in touch with Google by clicking the "Report a map error" link on and request to re-draw their boundaries for the city in question. Here are helpful articles provided by Google that explain how users may submit suggestions to their team:
If by chance, the boundaries for the city searched for on and/or the KW app are accurate in Google maps, but inaccurate on our end, please reach out to Support. To report a new issue, head to or join us on Live Chat M-F from 9am-5pm CT. If possible, please include the Google Maps link displaying the correct city boundaries with the support ticket to expedite the troubleshooting process.