The expiration date in the KWLS 1.0 is a great way to check whether your Listhub > KWLS 1.0 listing feed is active and functioning as expected. If a listing is in active status (not pending, contingent, under contract, etc.) and syndicating out from your MLS into your KWLS via a Listhub connector, the expiration date for that listing will always be 14 days past the current date. Regardless of the actual expiration date in the MLS, the KWLS will display an expiration date 14 days out. This means the agents will not need to change these dates because they will update daily, pushing the date another day out, via the Listhub connector feed. The listing dates are not important because they are not published on the websites.
The expiration date will automatically stay at 14 days out each time the new feed comes over from the MLS daily. Once the listing status in the MLS is changed to sold, or expired, or put into pending status, then the feed to the KWLS will stop and the expiration date will stay on the date it is on when the feed stops. The listing will then have a 14-day window in the KWLS before it expires there. Once the listing is expired in the KWLS it will no longer syndicate to the Listhub publisher sites.
Important Note: If an agent goes into the KWLS and manually moves the expiry date out of the 14 day range, it will stop the feed from the MLS via Listhub connector from coming over for the listing. Changes made in the MLS will no longer automatically update in the KWLS. This can result in duplicate listings and/or that the listing will not receive updates from the MLS (price changes etc.) Once an agent stops the feed by changing the expiry date they will need to make any changes to the listing manually in the KWLS. An agent can re-establish the feed from the MLS at any time while the listing is still active in the MLS by changing the expiry date back to the 14-day window.