Tasks in the Command App makes it easy to see what you need to get accomplished for your business. These tasks come from SmartPlans or could be tasks that you manually enter in the system. After you have created tasks or have tasks that have been generated from SmartPlans, you will be able to do certain actions to manage these contact tasks with the Command App:
- Edit tasks
- Complete tasks or mark a completed task as uncompleted
- Reschedule tasks
- Archive/unarchive tasks
- Fully delete archived tasks
To manage tasks using the Command App:
1. Log in to the Command App with your KW login credentials.
2. Tap the Tasks icon, , at the bottom of the screen.
Find Tasks
1. To find tasks, use the Quick Task Type Filters (All, Call, Text), Task Name Search, or click the Filters button, at the right of the search bar.
2. Once in the Filters drawer, you have several options for narrowing the tasks you want to view. Use the filters and click Apply when ready.
- Task Status - select either To-Do, Completed, or Archived.
- Due Date - select from the list of quick due date filters, or set a Custom Date Range to filter by.
- Repeating Tasks - choose to filter by tasks that are set to repeat only. If unchecked, the results will include repeating tasks and non-repeating tasks.
- Priority Level - select any or all of the priority level filters (High, Medium, Low, or None).
- Linked To - choose to filter by tasks that are associated with a Contact, Opportunity, or Unlinked tasks.
- Created By - choose between all tasks, tasks that were created from a SmartPlan, or tasks created manually by you.
Call and Text Tasks
Call and Text tasks are indicated with a Call or Text button, next to the due date/time. If you tap the Call or Text button, you will see options for either making the phone call (using your device) or sending a text (either using your device or Twilio, if Twilio is set up).
- These will also have extra options for logging an activity, once the task is marked as complete.
Mark as Complete (Or Mark as Incomplete)
1. Once you have completed a task, tap the checkmark to the left of the task. You can also tap the ellipses icon, , and select Complete as well.
2. The experience will be different depending on whether you are marking an Other or Call/Text task as complete.
- Other Tasks - there is a message that will appear, at the bottom of the screen, that will give you a few seconds to tap Undo, if you marked the task as complete on accident.
- Call and Text Tasks - a pop-up will appear asking if you just want to Mark as Complete Only, or if you want to Add a Call/Text Activity and Mark as Complete.
- If you choose to add an activity, a second pop-up will appear which includes the form for adding a phone call or text activity to a contact. Enter the Call/Text Interaction Outcome (Call Tasks Only), enter a Description of the call, then tap Save.
3. If you mark the task as complete on accident, there is an easy way to move it back to the To-Do task list. Click Filters, in the search bar, click the Task Status section, select Completed, then click Apply.
4. To do this for a single task, tap the ellipses icon, , next to the task, and select Mark as Incomplete.
- To do this for multiple tasks all at once, click Select Tasks, at the top right of the screen, select the contacts, then click Mark as Incomplete, at the bottom left of the screen.
Edit Tasks
1. If there is a task that needs to be changed or edited, tap the ellipses icon, , next to the task, and select Edit.
Pro Tip: Swipe right on a task to quickly edit! |
2. Edit the desired fields and tap Save.
- You are not able to edit the Linked To (associated contact) or Task Type fields.
Reschedule a Task
1. If you need to change the due date of a task, tap the ellipses icon, , to the right of the task, then select Reschedule.
- If you need to change the due date for multiple tasks all at once, click Select Tasks, at the top right of the screen, select the contacts, then click Reschedule, at the bottom right of the screen.
2. Make changes to the Due Date and Due Time:
- Right above the Due Date field, use the All Day checkbox to determine whether you want to set a Due Time for this task. Next, click in the Due Date field and select the date the task should become due.
- If you check the All Day checkbox, the due time will default to 11:59 pm, on the due date. You can skip to step 10 from here.
- If you do not check the All Day checkbox, you will be able to select a specific Due Time for the task, in the next step.
If you do not check the All Day checkbox, a second screen will appear for you to select a Due Time. There are two ways to set this, see the bullet points below, click Ok, at the bottom right of the pop-up when you have selected the correct time.
- At the bottom left of the pop-up, you can click either the clock or keyboard icons to switch between the two options below.
- By default, a clock selector will appear. This will allow you to rotate the selector to first select the hour, then the minutes. You can click either the hour or minutes, at the top of the pop-up, to switch between the two. You can also select either AM or PM, at the top of the pop-up, to select which you want to use here.
- If you utilize the keyboard selector, type the hour and minute for the due time, then select AM or PM.
3. Once you are ready, click Save, at the top right of the screen.
Archive/Unarchive/Delete a Task
With Tasks in Command, there is a separate Task Status for archived tasks that allows you to hide tasks, without fully deleting. Once archived, you can choose to unarchive or fully delete:
1. If you want to archive a single task, tap the ellipses icon, , to the right of the task, then select Archive.
- If you need to archive multiple tasks all at once, click Select Tasks, at the top right of the screen, select the contacts, tap the ellipses icon,
, at the bottom right of the screen and then select Archive.
Pro Tip: Swipe left on a task to quickly archive! |
2. If you archived a single task, a confirmation will appear, click Archive.
- If you archive multiple tasks, there is no confirmation pop-up, but a message will appear, at the bottom of the screen, letting you know it was successful.
3. You can view archived tasks by clicking Filters, in the search bar, click the Task Status section, select Archived, then click Apply.
4. From here, tap the ellipses icon, , to the right of the task, and you will see options to Unarchive or Delete the task.
- If you need to unarchive/delete multiple tasks all at once, click Select Tasks, at the top right of the screen, select the contacts, tap the ellipses icon,
, at the bottom right of the screen and you will see options to Unarchive or Delete the tasks.