One of the best things about the Command App is the homepage. The homepage will display information about your Command account which can drive the activities you complete that day, all while being on-the-go.
This is where you can quickly see:
- the number of tasks that are either due today, soon or are past due
- how many leads haven't been contacted
- how many clients have been recently active on your KW App or Agent Site
- how many clients were most active on your KW App or Agent Site
- this runs a calculation
- how many clients have requested tours or have inquired about specific properties
- how many leads are waiting to be claimed (if you are on a team)
- how many open Opportunities you have in each Phase
- how many clients have upcoming birthdays or home anniversaries coming up in the next 30 days
- details around profit share earnings for the month
For all of these homepage components, you have the ability to customize which appear and which don't, as well as the order in which they display.
To customize your Command App homepage:
1. Log in to the Command App with your KW login credentials.
2. You will be directed to the Command App Homepage, tap Manage Layout, at the top right of the screen.
3. You have a couple customization options:
- Next to each widget, and category, you will see a view/hide icon,
, that you can use to show or hide components. This allows you to streamline the list of widgets/categories you see.
- For each section or category, you can tap and hold, and then drag the component where you want it, on the homepage. This allows you to reorder the widgets/categories, on the homepage.
4. Tap Save, at the top right of the screen. Once saved, you will see how many widgets are hidden at the bottom of the homepage.
See below for more details about the available widgets on the Command App homepage:
If an agent has any contact tasks that are due today, due soon, or even past due that information will be displayed in the Contact Tasks section. You can tap any of those options and you will be directed to another screen where you can view and manage contact tasks.
Who To Contact
If you have any recently active leads or leads that haven't been contacted, you can tap on either of those options and you will be directed to that list of contacts in their database. There are also widgets to see who has contacted you through your KW App or Site by clicking to learn more about a listing or by clicking to schedule a tour request. Finally, if you are an agent on a team, you will also be able to see any new leads that have been routed to you and are ready to be claimed.
- Most Active uses a calculation that looks at client activity around some key areas of your site or app (viewing multiple listings, requesting tours, etc.) in the last 7 days, and will highlight contacts who are very likely to want to do business soon.
Open Opportunities
In this section, you will see how many open Opportunities you have per Phase. You can view the full list Opportunities within a Phase by tapping on the desired Phase from this screen. From there you can view the details of the Opportunity and also edit the details of the Opportunity if need be.
Things To Know
In this section, you will see the how many clients in your database have an upcoming birthday for the current month and how many clients have an upcoming home anniversary as well. You can tap either of those options and you'll be directed to that list of contacts. From there you can contact those clients from either the Command App or Command Desktop. You can also see how much profit share you have earned for the current month as well, in addition to the profit share report in myKW. If you have a profit share downline, click on the Profit Share widget to see the details.
Quick Actions
If you tap the blue circle, , on the bottom left corner of the screen, you will several quick actions appear: