Does the market center get to decide if agents can transfer to KWEN?
Each market center will need to opt in to the KW Expansion Network as a participating franchise in order for their agents to be eligible for joining KWEN. From there, the market center has no additional steps
to approve or deny an agent’s transfer. However, we do verify before accepting a rainmaker as a new expansion business that the rainmaker has discussed the move with their local team leader.
How do KWEN agents attend classes in a market center?
Check with the market center hosting the class to discuss their process of reserving a seat for you. This will vary from market center to market center.
Can market centers charge a fee to KWEN agents to use their space and resources?
Yes. Any fees must be agreed upon between the market center and the KWEN agents.
Will KWEN agents use the local market center logo?
KWEN agents will use the registered Keller Williams logo and name in accordance with real estate advertising laws. They will not be able to use the branding and franchise name of the local market center if their license is affiliated with KWEN.
How will the host market center receive the 90% of the company dollar so it can be included in profit share?
After the end-of-month closing process and transmittal, on day 5, each host market center will receive a company dollar transfer from KWEN. Subsequently, the funds will be transferred by ACH to the receiving market center.