KW University provides awesome learning resources on If you want to teach a KWU class or just peruse course material for self study, you are able to access the robust course library where you will see options to purchase printed materials or download course content for free.
To access the KW University course library on
1. Log in to with your KW login credentials.
2. At the top of the page, hover over the Resources tab, then select KWU from the drop-down.
3. There are several of the most popular courses linked directly on this page, but click Instructor-Led Training Materials to see the full course library.
4. Here you will find the KWU Instructor-led course library. Click on the course you are looking for and you will see two main options for accessing course materials:
- At the bottom of the Course Info page, you will see a button labeled Purchase Course Materials. This will take you to where you will see all of the courses that you can purchase professional, printed copies of the course materials. You will then be able to select the number of copies (instructor and student can be ordered separately), color options and date of the course, for scheduling purposes.
- If you click on the Materials tab, at the top of the page, you will see all of the course materials that can be downloaded for free.